Executive coaching and 360 feedback have been hot topics in the corporate leadership landscape for many years. HR professionals and business leaders have long championed these tools as essential for nurturing effective leaders and fostering organisational growth. But what evidence do we have to substantiate our claims that executive coaching makes a real difference, or that 360 feedback significantly impacts leadership productivity, beyond anecdotal data from our own clients?

The study

Elizabeth C Thach from Sonoma State University conducted a study that provides empirical evidence on the impact of executive coaching and 360 feedback on leadership effectiveness. This study sought to bridge the gap in empirical research on these popular executive development options.

The study involved 281 executives and was conducted over nearly three years. It was divided into three distinct phases:

  • Phase 1: development and pilot of the 360-feedback process (8 months).
  • Phase 2: implementation of year one 360 feedback with coaching (12 months).
  • Phase 3: implementation of year two 360 feedback with coaching (12 months).

Quantitative and qualitative impact

The quantitative data from this study serves to demonstrate the benefits of both the executive coaching and 360 feedback processes. According to post-survey results, participants observed substantial improvements in leadership effectiveness. Direct reports, peers, and managers rated leadership effectiveness as having increased by an average of 55% to 60% over the two phases. Interestingly, the study also found a correlation between the number of coaching sessions and self-perceived leadership effectiveness, which suggests that more frequent and sustained coaching sessions lead to better outcomes. The study also supported the importance of the involvement of the top executive team in designing and role-modelling the process, as well as linking it to strategic organisational goals (as highlighted by Bolt, 1997)*.

Practical implications

For HR professionals, business leaders and coaches, these findings underscore the importance of investing in both executive coaching and 360 feedback. Implementing these interventions can lead to:

  • enhanced leadership skills: leaders become more self-aware, strategic, and effective in their roles;
  • improved team dynamics: better leadership translates to more cohesive and productive teams;
  • organisational growth: effective leadership drives overall organisational success and growth.

Why coaching and 360 feedback?

Executive coaching usually involves personalised, one-on-one sessions with a professional coach. These sessions aim to develop specific leadership skills, address challenges, and set actionable goals. The study found that such targeted coaching significantly enhances a leader’s self-awareness and strategic thinking abilities.

360 feedback provides leaders with multi-dimensional insights from various stakeholders, including subordinates, peers, and supervisors. This comprehensive feedback helps leaders understand how they are perceived within the organisation. The study revealed that integrating 360 feedback with executive coaching leads to more targeted and effective developmental plans.

The themes that emerged from this study align with the broader goal of executive coaching and 360 feedback, namely to develop leaders who can drive organisational success. If you’re interested in integrating these impactful strategies into your leadership development programmes, please contact us to discuss bespoke solutions for your organisation.

*Bolt, J. (1997), Executive Development, James F. Bolt Publishing, San Diego, CA.