As we approach the Worker Protection Act (an amendment of the Equality Act 2010) on October 26, 2024, which will strengthen protection against sexual harassment in the workplace, it is crucial for organisations to undertake a baseline audit of employee opinions and experiences related to this issue. This proactive step will not only support compliance with the upcoming legal requirements but will also foster a safer and more respectful work environment.

Understanding the new legal landscape

The forthcoming changes in the law will impose stricter obligations on employers to prevent and address sexual harassment. These are likely to include more rigorous reporting requirements, enhanced protection for victims, and potentially severe penalties for non-compliance. By conducting a baseline audit now, organisations can better understand their current standing and identify areas needing improvement related to the new regulations.

Why a baseline audit is essential

  1. Assessing current climate: a baseline audit helps gauge the existing workplace culture regarding sexual harassment. It provides insights into how employees perceive the issue, their awareness of policies, and their confidence in the reporting mechanisms.
  2. Identifying gaps: the audit can reveal gaps in knowledge, training, and policy implementation. This information is vital for developing targeted interventions to address these deficiencies.
  3. Benchmarking progress: establishing a baseline allows organisations to measure the effectiveness of their initiatives over time. By comparing future survey results with the baseline, companies can track improvements and make data-driven decisions.
  4. Building trust: demonstrating a commitment to understanding and addressing sexual harassment can enhance trust between employees and management. It shows that the organisation values a safe and respectful workplace.

Carrying out an audit – the confidentiality advantage of external providers

One of the most significant benefits of using an external provider to conduct this survey is the assurance of confidentiality. Here’s why this is important:

  1. Encouraging honesty: employees are more likely to provide honest and candid feedback when they are confident that their responses are anonymous and confidential. An external provider can offer this assurance, reducing fear of retaliation.
  2. Unbiased data collection: external providers bring objectivity to the process. They are not influenced by internal politics or relationships, ensuring that the data collected is unbiased and reliable.
  3. Expertise and experience: professional survey providers have the expertise to design effective surveys and analyse the results accurately. They can offer insights and recommendations based on best practices and industry standards.

Conducting a baseline audit on sexual harassment in the workplace is a critical step in preparing for the upcoming legal changes. It helps organisations understand their current situation, identify areas for improvement, and build a culture of trust and safety. By engaging an external provider, companies can ensure confidentiality, obtain unbiased data, and benefit from expert analysis, ultimately leading to a more effective and compliant approach to preventing and addressing sexual harassment. Taking these proactive measures not only aligns with legal obligations but also demonstrates a genuine commitment to fostering a respectful and inclusive workplace for all employees. Talk to us today to discover how we can support you in surveying your workforce and taking the first steps towards creating a safer, more inclusive work environment.